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September 13, 2008


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It's such a terrible thing -- for him, his wife, friends, and now the rest of us. As a writer, I'm familiar with the (true) cliche about comedians and comic writers being some of the saddest and most serious people, but given that DFW gave me more laugh-out-loud-until-you-cry moments in his nonfiction than any other contemporary writer I can think of, the WTF?! factor here is huge. Was David manic depressive? Any light you might shed on what seems inexplicable -- to those of us who never knew him personally -- would be most helpful.


It's such a terrible thing -- for him, his wife, friends, and now the rest of us. As a writer, I'm familiar with the (true) cliche about comedians and comic writers being some of the saddest and most serious people, but given that DFW gave me more laugh-out-loud-until-you-cry moments in his nonfiction than any other contemporary writer I can think of, the WTF?! factor here is huge. Was David manic depressive? Any light you might shed on what seems inexplicable -- to those of us who never knew him personally -- would be most helpful.


Thanks for sharing this. It helps to put this in some type of context for me.

I didn't know DFW personally, but like all good writers (or at least the ones we're drawn to), his work provided a special connection to him that makes this news difficult to process on a personal level.

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