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December 26, 2011


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Joe Marchione

Yes, Editor, as I am sure you are aware, you are following me correctly and your conclusion: “Not completely impossible, but rather unlikely” is correct as well. I suspect that anybody who has interacted with Allan for any extended period of time has run into one of his ‘Conclusions’ that seems “not completely impossible, but rather unlikely.” And if you’ve encountered enough of these ‘conclusions,’ you learn that you may well have better luck trying to alter the entire space-time continuum so as to make it line up with Allan’s reality than wasting your time trying to convince Allan he was wrong.

One of my more vivid memories of Allan and our blog host interacting was at the aforementioned Santa Monica book fair. Allan and I were tending our booth together when David came up to me and said something along the lines of “I need to steal your partner briefly to get him to admit to him that he is wrong.” Talking about some book or another, never did find out which one. But as Allan was hauled away, I just sort of half-smiled, shook my head and deadpanned to nobody in particular “Good Luck with that.”

Submitted with the utmost respect, a smile and a shrug... It was just one of the many facets of Allan.

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What I'm Doing Here

  • Allan Milkerit was a good friend and a great bookman. After his unexpected death I ended up with hundreds of the books in his shop and apartment. One at a time, I am unearthing them and deciding which to keep and which to sell or give away. Often, I read the book first, or try to. In the process, I think about Allan and the changes the rare book world is undergoing. This blog's only regular reader is Joe Marchione, who shared a shop with Allan for several years. Joe's reflections are too good to leave as mere comments so I hoist them into their own posts.